Katie Breazeale, MS, RD, LD
Have you thought this before; why is menu planning so hard to do, and why do I keep messing it up during the week? Menu planning is a great way to stay on track and be prepared for the week. But what if you really don’t want what you planned, you didn’t go the grocery store, or marketing works on you when you drive past that billboard sign?
You don’t want what you planned.
This happens to everyone. You have planned a week’s worth of meals and Wednesday comes and all you want is anything but what you have at home. First thought, can I realistically get groceries for something new verses getting takeout. If the answer is no, am I willing to select a healthier option from the drive through? If no again, then let’s face it you have two options eat what you have planned or eat what you want and eat your planned food another day of the week.
No food in the house.
Ever look in the fridge and say there is nothing to eat. Is it like looking in your closet and saying you have nothing to wear, or is the cupboard bare? If you have tons of options and you’re saying you have nothing to eat you have the first problem we just discussed. You don’t want what you have. But if you forgot, or ran out of time, to buy groceries then we got to buy some food. I love having my groceries delivered. It saves me time and I know I will have food in the house. It is also a great way to keep you from the cookie aisle at the store. That is option one, deliver groceries. Option two, buy groceries for your whole week verses a couple of days. Honestly, are you going to go to the grocery store after working all day? Probably not. Now let’s throw in picking up kids from school, daycare, practice and still trying to get to the store. Are you seeing that store farther in your review mirror? Set yourself up for success, no food in the house equals lower success rates.
Schedules get in the way.
A common problem for people with shift work, kids, and difficult bosses. You can do everything right from planning your meals to purchasing the food to even meal prepping, but when a late meeting or a last-minute practice happens sometimes cooking dinner does not. You cannot always plan for these schedule disruptions, but you can learn from them. Is your spouse free to go home and start dinner or trade places with you so you can get dinner going? Can you order something healthy to pickup on the way home? Are you noticing a trend that your boss loves Tuesday meetings at 4:00 pm that run well past 5:00 pm?
Good ole’ marketing.
My husband will be the first to tell you that marketing works on him. He goes past the billboard for Whataburger and now I am getting a text about it for dinner. Do your kids do this? You drive past a certain restaurant, and they holler about wanting to stop. Yep, I have had that happen too. Worst comes to worst with children, feed them the nuggets and a fruit cup and you still cook your meal that you planned. Y’all can eat different meals sometimes. Now, if marketing is getting you take a step back and think about it for a moment. Are you actually hungry for that food item? Is it worth the extra drive time/money/gas to go through the drive through?
What if your thought was really I just want something easy, or fast, or I don’t want to do dishes, or I want someone to cook for me? Sometimes it is not about the food at all, but the process. Meal planning simpler meals for these nights is a great option. Another great option don’t do the dishes! Ask your kids or your spouse for clean up help. As for having someone cook for you, it never hurts to ask. Our spouses can’t read our minds! I am still working through this concept. If you don’t ask for help, there is a big chance they don’t know you need it.
What is messing you up on meal planning? Look at a whole week not just a day. Then learn from it! Was it schedules to work around, don’t like your own meal plan, no food, or a billboard talking to you? Find a solution for at least one of your meal planning conundrums, or if you’re on a roll find a solution for a few more!